The purpose of the amphitheater is to host music events, book study groups, worship service groups and other small group gatherings for outdoor classes, poetry readings, and other outdoor group events befitting our theme of bringing peace to the community of Newberg.

The amphitheater can accommodate 40 or more people with ample room on the top deck for more people to bring lawn chairs and blankets. The eventual goal is to install sunshade (sails) over the top and provide string lighting for evening/dusk events.

There are 8 power outlets in the amphitheater on a 30-amp dedicated circuit – so plenty of power for a small PA system for microphones, speakers etc. for events.

The space is formally booked through the Newberg First Presbyterian Church, to avoid double bookings while also screening bookings to ensure the planned events are appropriate for the Peace Garden.

The Newberg Early Birds Rotary Club donated the funds to pay for the amphitheater for which we are extremely grateful.

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